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Before......what the window area use to look like partially redone and what it was like before.
Before......what the window area use to look like partially redone and what it was like before.
As you can see the one single large rod looked real heavy, even repainted it looked heavy to me.
(Click on any photo to enlarge and see closer.)

Still messing with what goes above the bed.
Haven't found the perfect thing.
Hubby had time to help me this weekend get the new drape rods in here hung.
We put two single rods for the drapes at the window instead of one long heavy one.
I found these on sale for $8 each at ROSS .
I liked them because of the crystal finials on the end.
They sort of help to coordinate with the prisms and crystals elsewhere in the room.

The bed with the swing arm rods above the bed closed or flush
against the wall.
Still don't know what I like above the bed; mirror, picture, what?

We switched the single white ( use to be gold) rod above the window
for two small singles with crystal finials.
I like the look much better.
Hanging the drapes higher too also gives the room a feeling that it is taller.
I still have to change the sheer under rod and move it up.
out like a canopy affect.
So far I am liking how it is coming together.
Still trying to ignore the icky green carpet, popcorn ceilings and border paper till we
can redo all those.
Was hoping we could get it done before the holidays but that might not happen.
With the wedding and all and now almost Nov. we might be in
a holding pattern till Winter or Spring.
I really like the idea of the swing rods above the bed for a canopy look...great idea. Really looks like your room is coming together.
Hi Linda,
~WOW! Your new master bedroom design is just gorgeous! Love it!
The warm paint color and bedding are really beautiful. ~Lovely!
Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)
PS Thanks for your sweet visit my friend! I really enjoy hearing from you.
I love the blue drapes and the chandelier. Very opulent! I think it would look good to hang a grouping of small things above the bed, since you have the headboard and the curtains. Maybe the arrangement can follw the curve of the bed. Just a thought.
It is improving!! Will be nice when it is completely finished!! A green rug can throw a cramp in things ;-)
nannykim from spindle cottage
Hey Linda what a differ that made and girl I just love the drapes by the bed...its so romantic looking...Great chages you have made...may you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Looking great, Linda! I love the color of your pretty blue drapes and the crystal finials sound perfect for your room. Isn't it neat how the room does feel taller the higher you can hang the drapes...love that little trick!
It will be fun watching as you continue to redo this room. :-) Susan
Swing rods are a nice idea. I've thought about that, but never imagined it completed. (But then I have a really high ceilings so never mind LOL)
Drop by and sign up for my link party if you'd like! http://theshadesofpink.blogspot.com
beautiful bedding i think a round picture like an old fashion round ornate picture above the bed. maybe? So u r keeping the wallborder? Is that your wedding dress??
To answer Mishelle's questions too;
No wall border paper is going, some mathcing sheers are going to line the swing arm drapes. Yes, that is my wedding dress on the antique dress form. So pretty I hated to hide it and saw this idea in an old home tour in Snohomish one time. My hubby calls it the "headless" woman in our room!
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