Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tablescape Thursday .....a little time out for some Christmas tea!

Time for our every fun Tablescape Thursday, I still have to catch up at looking at last weeks tables soon. I am behind but trying to get done decorating so I can have fun.
Check out our hostess Susan's ever fun blog and see who else is joining in this week with a tablescape at,http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ .

Such a busy time of year for all. I know I have to pace myself or I won't make it.
So for this weeks table scape I set myself up a little resting spot. Where I can take a break from
all the business and have a wee spot o'tea and relax.
So when I do this I will be snuggled up with a pretty blanky, sipping on my tea and reading a nice Christmas story or two.
( Click on photos to enlarge)

The place setting; a gold charger upon a back wooden plant stand,
our wedding napkins, one of my favorite gold tea time spoons with some
lovely Rozanna Crown dishes that were a gift from our very own Mishelle at,http://thecrownedcasa.blogspot.com/ .
Thank you Mishelle!!!
It will make for a lovely spot o'tea!

A Santa to watch over me.

Beautiful Christmas flowers in bloom to scent the air.

A bowl full of cookies and some favorite Christmas reading material await me.

A cup of Christmas Tea rests for the reading on a favorite Santa table-ette.

Ok, enough of a break, back to decorating but if I need a rest
you will find me here!


merilyn lee said...

Very pretty and cosy looking too!
That story A Cup Of Christmas Tea always makes me cry every time I hear it.
I have been changing doll clothes for the past two days into their Christmas dresses. Starting to decorate a little and hope to get the tree in the family room done soon.

Unknown said...

glad u can use them.. love the fireplace, so cozy... mishelle

Joyce said...

I love your tea setting and I also own the book and it makes me teary when I read it. Last year I found a mini book and hang it on my front door wreath. The book makes such a nice holiday gift.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Everything looks so pretty!

Anonymous said...
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food with style said...

such a beautiful setting~

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your decorations are stunning and your tea set up by the fire is sooooooo welcoming. Beautiful tea set and the ambience is wonderful. Also I will have Mr. Linky up tonight for the "Holiday Cloche Party". I can't wait to see what you've created. Hugs, Marty

Myrna said...

Oh so beautiful,Linda! I need to come over for a rest there!! :-)

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Oh how pretty this is..the tea set, and the fireplace..just lovely!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I loooooks fabulous! So cozy and welcoming....just like Christmas! Love it.... I have that Christmas Tea book too!


Lori E said...

I have never read that story. This is such a welcoming room I am sure you won't mind some drop in guests. You can read the story to me.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

What precious moments during the Christmas season -- to sit and read and have a cup of tea. Thanks for this pretty and soothing scape.