Thursday, November 12, 2009

Show and Tell Friday......some thrift store treasures.

Time for Show and Tell Friday! Thank you to Cindy at
, for hosting us.
I almost forgot to do my post, as I was up North part of the day seeing my son and taking my DIL and him some things for the baby's nursery and visiting with him.
But here I am, late but here.
Thought I would share some recent thrift store treasures that I found.
(Click on their photos to see closer or larger)
A couple weeks ago when I had a chance to take some things to the Goodwill store, I also did some thrift shopping there.
I found this interesting looking old box there.
It really caught my eye.
Marked on the bottom Chas. Tollner .
That peaked my curiosity, so I had to Google Charles Tollner.
I found out he was a prominent business man of Pulaski N.Y. and his father started manufacturing and established a Box Factory there.
This all in the late 1800's around the turn of the century.
I found some interesting things to read about this man and the company.

I haven't tried to polish the metal details to this box. I think they are silver but not sure.
I actually like them tarnished and old looking. Do you?

And the other day here in town at our local thrift store I found these delicate little, I think nut dishes. I found the makers marks on them and they are English silver by Walker & Hall dated to about 1900-1910. Pretty little repousse' dishes, I was thrilled to find them for $7 for the pair.

I just love all the delicate details to these pieces.
I just wonder what stories they could tell of where they came from, who owned them, what parties they have been set on a table for etc!!


Hootin Anni said...

Yes...yes!! I agree. The tarnish gives it much more character.

My Thanksgiving decorations are posted today for show n tell Click Here

Sheila said...

I love the tarnish. It just makes it more romantic. lol

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great finds - thanks for sharing.

Blue Creek Home said...

Great finds...especially love the silver.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Leave the box as is. It's fabulous. You found some sweet things.

TQ said...

That is a wonderful box, and please don't shine the metal detailing on it, leave the patina the way it is, it really is a wonderful box. The little siver dishes are great to; can I come shopping with you the next time?

Enjoy! Thanks for sharing and have a GRAND weekend.

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Love the box. How fun to find so much history about it. I like the tarnished look too. What a treasure!

Six divided by two..... said...

I love tarnish and your blog!! I am now a follower

Wanda Lee said...

I love the silver pieces~ It's so much fun to find those kinds of things!..,